The Cybersecurity and Information Systems Information Analysis Center is seeking to identify automated nonperson entity (NPE) authentication approaches, structures, or tools that provide the same level of cyber traceability as two-factor authentication within a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Impact Level 5 boundary (IL5). These approaches would promote more efficient machine-to-machine communications between servers, workstations, mobile devices, routers, virtual machines, container/microservice instances, automated programming interfaces, and weapons and control systems. An NPE authentication software mechanism would allow an automated process inside an IL5 boundary to “talk” to internal/external services, databases, automated processes, or traverse one IL5 boundary into/out of another IL5 boundary without a human in the loop or the use of a common access card or Yubikey.
If you have any information related to this inquiry, please fill out the form here or contact Olutoye Sekiteri (, the lead IAC analyst for this effort. You can also join the discussion on the DoDTechipedia forum by clicking the “Join the Discussion” button below.