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What is Malvertising?

Malvertising is a malicious form of online advertisement used to inject malware into legitimate online advertising networks and webpages. Advertisements are produced with significant effort to attract users and sell or advertise a product, which…


Malvertising Explored

This podcast is a breakdown episode where the CSIAC discusses current topics in further depth. CSIAC tries to breakdown the complexity of the topic. Malvertising is a malicious form of online advertisement used to inject…

Roundtable: Sea Hunter, Hacked Fitness Trackers, Stolen Crypto, and Autosploit

In today’s episode the CSIAC takes the most important articles in a past CS Digest and discusses the articles’ importance in the world of technology and cyber security.

Blockchain: Applications, Security Promises and Internals

The Blockchain application started in cryptocurrency and has been surging recently. Blockchain has been rapidly expanding to other fields in finance and beyond and is in the process of revolutionizing our society. In this webinar,…