State-of-the-Art Reports (SOARs)

SOARs are CSIAC publications that provide in-depth analysis of current technologies, research, and the latest technical information available on a topic within any of the CSIAC technical focus areas.

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Electronic Publishing on the World Wide Web: An Engineering Approach

This CSIAC state-of-the-art report (SOAR) was developed from a handbook that provides guidelines to World Wide Web (WWW) information providers for disseminating information through the WWW. The handbook itself was originally developed as part of…

Software Design Methods

This state-of-the-art review provides an analysis of the status of software design methods. The topic of software design is an extensive one with a rich history. Views of software design can range from very focused…

A State of the Art Review of Distributed Database Technology

A distributed database is a collection of multiple, logically interrelated databases distributed over a computer network. A Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS) is a software system that permits the management of distributed data making the…

Artificial Neural Networks Technology

This report is intended to help the reader understand what artificial neural networks are, how to use them, and where they are currently being used. Artificial neural networks are being touted as the wave of…

Software Prototyping and Requirements Engineering

This report includes the motivation for using software prototyping in general and specifically in the context of requirements engineering. An overview of software prototyping covers life cycle models, approaches, pitfalls, and opportunities. The section on…

Software Analysis and Test Technologies

This report examines current software analysis and test technology and the needs that should be filled by future technology. Analysis and testing of the software include all life cycle activities conducted to verify and validate…

An Overview of Object Oriented Design

This report provides a basic understanding of Object-Oriented Design (OOD) and some of its features. The report briefly summarizes the history of OOD, includes a description of an OOD methodology, and defines and discusses various…

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