State-of-the-Art Reports (SOARs)

SOARs are CSIAC publications that provide in-depth analysis of current technologies, research, and the latest technical information available on a topic within any of the CSIAC technical focus areas.

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Knowledge Management in Software Engineering

Is knowledge management one of those hyped concepts that rise quickly, ambitiously claims to cure organizational headaches, and then fails and falls quietly? Or is it an instrument that will really help organizations address some…

Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A) Automated Support Tools

This MSIAC State of the Art Report provides a compendium and an analysis of COTS, GOTS, and developmental automated tools that can be applied to the verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A) of individual models and…

Modeling and Simulation for Information Assurance

The subject of Information Assurance (IA) has received increased attention over the last several years in the military modeling and simulation (M&S) community and, even more so, in the public domain. In the public domain,…

Configuration Management Compliance Validation

The increasing technological sophistication of the Department of Defense (DoD) leads to a dependency on technology that, in turn, represents potentially crippling vulnerabilities. DoD is dependent upon advanced weapon systems and Command, Control, Communications, Computers,…

Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Based Software Development and Integration

The goal of this report is to survey the state of the practice in Commercial-Off-the-Shelf COTS-based development. The report discusses the definition of COTS and COTS-based systems. Then it lists and discusses pros, cons, and…

Using Cost Benefit Analyses to Develop Software Process Improvement (SPI) Strategies

The purpose of this State of the Art Report (SOAR) is to organize the costs and benefits of Software Process Improvement (SPI) strategies, methods, approaches, and alternatives into a form and methodology that enables software…

Mining Software Engineering Data: A Survey

This report discusses the state-of-the-art, as well as recent advances in the use of data mining techniques as applied to software process and product information. This report includes: a discussion on data mining techniques and…

Data Embedding for Information Assurance

Provides an assessment of the state-of-the-art in data embedding technology and its application to IA. It is particularly relevant to information “providers” concerned about intellectual property protection and access control; information “consumers” who are concerned…

Object-Oriented Database Management Systems Revisited

This report reviews the state of the art of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS). The objective of this report is to provide the reader with an understanding of the issues relevant to OODBMS technology and…

Using Defect Tracking and Analysis to Improve Software Quality

Defect tracking is a critical component of a successful software quality effort. In fact, Robert Grady of Hewlett-Packard stated in 1996 that “software defect data is [the] most important available management information source for software…

Understanding and Improving Technology Transfer in Software Engineering

This State-of-the-Art-Report summarizes the history of software engineering technology transfer and suggests ways to help us understand how to shorten the time between innovation and effective practice. It begins by examining earlier efforts to understand…

Modern Empirical Cost and Schedule Estimation Tools

Cost models were derived from the collection and analysis of large collections of project data. Modelers would fit a curve to the data and analyze those parameters that affected the curve. Early models applied to…

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