Example Technical Inquiries (TIs)

Example TIs are samples of the wide range of technical inquiries submitted by CSIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

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What Risk Management Framework and Authority to Operate use authorizations of extended reality technology are available within the U.S. Army/Department of Defense?

What Risk Management Framework and Authority to Operate use authorizations of extended reality technology are available within the U.S. Army/Department of Defense?

What information is available on the Standard Wargame Integration Facilitation Toolkit (SWIFT)?

What information is available on the Standard Wargame Integration Facilitation Toolkit (SWIFT)?

Can common access card certificates be extracted via application programming interface calls?

Can common access card certificates be extracted via application programming interface calls?

What is the effect of collaborative gaming on team building, cohesion, and culture?

What is the effect of collaborative gaming on team building, cohesion, and culture?

How are cybertools and cybertechnologies used in differentiating between automated reconnaissance and enumeration events and hands-on-keyboard events?

How are cybertools and cybertechnologies used in differentiating between automated reconnaissance and enumeration events and hands-on-keyboard events?

What are the use cases of intent-based networking in U.S. Department of Defense tactical networks?

What are the use cases of intent-based networking in U.S. Department of Defense tactical networks?

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