
We participate, host, and promote key technical conferences and forums within the science and technology community.

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Upcoming Events

AI Generated image of a holographic globe centered in a diagram of structures

Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference

The AFCEA Atlanta Chapter presents the next Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. AFCEA provides a meeting place for government, academia, and…

A night-time image of a city overlayed with hexagonal indicators.

Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America

There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their…

Students from UCSD visit March ARB to help incorporate Artificial Intelligence into MQ-9 Platform

DoD Cyber Workforce Summit

The DoD CIO will host the Inaugural Cyber Workforce Summit with support from AFCEA International and the National Defense University. To succeed in today’s environment,…

A hand overlayed by a virtual padlock and the words "Cyber security".

18th Annual Homeland Security Week

Join the Homeland Security community March 25-26 in the Washington, DC area for IDGA’s 18th iteration of the Homeland Security Week Summit, where leading experts…

Spectral interpretation of a city.

Smart Cities Connect Spring Conference & Expo

Smart cities have evolved from a futuristic vision into a tangible reality, creating a fundamental impact for people and the planet. From pilot projects that…

Air Force servicemember testing out a flight simulator

2025 Department of the Air Force Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Summit

The goal of the M&S Summit is to gather U.S. Air Force and Space Force M&S experts to learn about new M&S initiatives and techniques,…

Past Events

Image of power lines and energy illustrated in the background.

GridSecCon 2024

NERC, the E-ISAC, and the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) are co-hosting the 13th annual grid security conference, GridSecCon 2024, on October 22 – 25 in…

More than 250 data scientists, coders and developers referred to as “hackers,” gathered to develop prototypes within set timeframes to initiate and validate innovative concepts in Stuttgart Germany, June 7, 2024. BRAVO Hackathons, sponsored by senior Department of Defense leaders, foster innovative environments where government and industry collaborate to test bold ideas using real DOD data. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Daugherty)

ITEN Wired | TechNet CyberCoast Conference

Join us October 16-18, 2024 in beautiful Pensacola Beach, Florida for an event celebrating the southeast tech community. ITEN (innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and network) WIRED…

National Summit on Military Training, Modeling, & Simulation

Synthetic environments, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence, are reshaping traditional training methodologies, and offering a vital…

AI Generated image of a holographic globe centered in a diagram of structures

2024 National Cyber Summit

National Cyber Summit is a three-day event that focuses on innovative cyber security technology, offering unique educational, collaborative, and workforce development opportunities for industry visionaries…

Drawing of a transparent person with lights glowing in their forehead.

28th Annual IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference

The High-Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference (HPEC) is a large New England computing conference focusing on the convergence of high-performance and embedded computing. The HPEC…

Illustration of transparent people with circuit board overlays

AI4SE & SE4AI Research and Application Workshop 2024

The fifth annual AI4SE and SE4AI workshop is sponsored and organized by the U.S. Army DEVCOM Armaments Center Systems Engineering Directorate and the Systems Engineering…