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Enduring, Fleeting, Future: A brief overview of current sentiment and emotional analysis, a look forward

Introduction Sentiment and emotion analysis are critical tools in knowledge aggregation and interfacing with people. As we move from the…

A Collaboration Pipeline for Cybersecurity Research, Analytics, and Tools

Cybersecurity Data Gap Network and host-based sensors collect data that are foundational for current-day cybersecurity technologies such as intrusion detection…

Cybersecurity Competency Assessment Using Augmented Qualification Standards

Determining the capabilities of cybersecurity personnel is essential to support the Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Strategy. The cyber ability…

Cyber-As-Zoo: Multidisciplinary Cyber Struggle

This quarter’s CSIAC Journal contains five articles that offer some perspectives to address the often-heard phrase “Cyber Is Hard”, usually…

Knowledge Temple of Decision Making

Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline that is as much art as it is science.  Like the conversations that take…

Detect, Contain and Control Cyberthreats

Today, every organization is a target and attackers can compromise any organization. Large-scale compromises used to be a surprise, but…

Offensive Intrusion Analysis: Uncovering Insiders with Threat Hunting and Active Defense

Today’s adversaries are advanced and more capable than ever before. Passive defensive tactics are no longer viable for pursuing these…

Accessing the Inaccessible: Incident Investigation in a World of Embedded Devices

There are currently an estimated 4.9 billion embedded systems distributed worldwide. By 2020, that number is expected to have grown…

Compliant but not Secure: Why PCI-Certified Companies Are Being Breached

The Payment Card Industry published the Data Security Standard 11 years ago; however, criminals are still breaching companies and getting…

Extensions to Carnegie-Mellon University’s Malicious Insider Ontology to Model Human Error

Researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University have created an “Insider Threat Ontology” as a framework for knowledge representation and sharing of malicious…

Introduction: Insider Threat and the Malicious Insider Threat – Analyze. Deter. Discover. Prevent. Respond

Building a quarterly journal that spans broad topical and technical themes can be challenging, and the selection of articles for…

Threats to Mobile Security

In the past five years alone, the amount of mobile data has grown eighteenfold (Cisco Mobile VNI, 2017). Security concerns…