John Nash’s famous proof that there is an equilibrium for every finite game is a strong motivation to adopt game theory: once obtained, an equilibrium brings a “strategic pause” to the continuous revolutions depicted in the loops of Figures 1-3. Without such a pause a loop can become like a vortex continually drawing in resources – presenting a challenge to not only sustaining the loop but to the mission itself. Instantiating these loops becomes an engineering enterprise that calls upon sound judgement of the human, software, hardware and communications resources required to execute them. They are strategic loops, so they too are the outcome of a strategy. Our formation of this underlying strategy calls upon this fact: is not unknown in war for a side to win every battle, but, through flawed strategy, to lose the war [18]. Therefore, the building of our bridge between fault tolerance and game theory spans 1) discovering the most promising strategy and 2) applying the engineering principles so that even if a fault occurs, the strategy does not become flawed. These discovery and engineering processes for assuring cyberspace continue with STORM.
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